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Show Your Pet a Tender Loving Puppy Care - Feed Him Organic Puppy Food

Choosing the right puppy food is just one of the hundred ways to show a loving puppy care, however the most important decisions when raising an incredible puppy. Differ from humans, dogs have the tendency to get their complete nutritional intake from just one type of food. Feeding your dog with proper diet can greatly extend its life span. However, the puppy dog food market is wide and sundry. As a pet owner, how do you decide what type to use? Which of those diverse options suitable for your puppy? Is it organic puppy food, commercial puppy food or home made puppy food?

Your puppy deserves a best puppy care possible, so for you to be able to succeed in this endeavor, you should always talk to your vet about which of those types of puppy food appropriate for the new member of your household. Keep in mind that puppy diet is not the same as the older dogs. Avoid a trip to the grocery store and just grab a bag of dog food to feed your puppy. This is not good for your pet's health since it can't meet the required nutritional of a healthy puppy diet.

When it comes to puppy food, you have several choices to consider. First, make sure that the food you're picking is good for puppies. Older and adult dogs have different nutritional needs and their dietary requirements are different.

Puppies need bigger calories intake compares to older dogs. Since they burn more energy, they need more protein to keep them active.

You should also consider the type of breed you have: Labrador, Shih Tzu, Dachshund, German shepherd and others. There's a particular formulated puppy food for different breeds, and even if you choose not to devote extra money on specific breed formulas, understanding what makes your breed's food different is valuable when seeking for food options.

Premium dog food could be one of your alternatives. This type of dog food is highly recommended by many vets because they tend to be more nutritionally sensible. You'll be spending a heavier price for your dog victuals, however the additional dietary value makes worth spending. Not only the nutritional benefits that count, also premium dog foods are easier to digest because of fewer fillers content. This means your puppy will eat less while getting more as compared to a cheaper priced meal.

Do you like the idea of all natural ingredients but not the thought of devoting so much of your time in your kitchen preparing a home made food? Then organic puppy food might be the right alternative for you. Not only all-natural dog food encourage health and long life in your puppy, but can also lessen digestive disorders, probably remove skin problems or allergies, helps to maintain a healthier weight, give more energy, and build a stronger immune system for your pet.

Now that you know some of innovative information, how do you start to limit your options and select the right puppy food? Well, the first step would be seeking some of your friend's recommendations and consider their experiences with their puppies. Get a diversity of opinions from your vet, local puppy shelters, dog owners you know, and breeders of your certain kind of pup.

Then go and surf the Internet and do some research about some of the puppy food you're keen on and read the reviews and opinions of other dog owners.

Lastly, regardless of what advice you get, the best puppy food for your new pet will be anything you are willing to spend, have an easy access to, and anything that would be effective for your pooch.

There's no right or wrong answer when searching for puppy food, though you might be needing to do some exploration with a little different kinds before deciding on a type of food that works.

Try to choose organic puppy food... There's no harm in trying anyway. Show your tender loving puppy care; feed him food not to sustain hi his taste buds but anything that will sustain his dietary requirements. This is more of giving him what he wants.

The Process of Feeding Your Golden Retriever

Under normal circumstances, puppies of the Golden Retriever breed will feed off their mother until the age of approximately seven weeks. However, once they have reached the age of three weeks, you should start providing them with puppy dog food, which you can soak and mix into some kind of grub. An occasional try of soaked dog food will at least give them a chance to learn what it taste like and slowly make the change in preparation for when their mother refuses to let them feed off her anymore.

When the time comes to bring your puppy home with you, make sure to make a note of what he has been eating in order to continue with the same diet he is accustomed to. The puppy trainer at the kennel will have probably started the dog in some kind of diet, it is your responsibility to keep feeding the dog whatever he has been eating so far. The Golden Retriever breeds have very sensitive stomachs, and will act on any sudden changes with undesirable results.

The change in surroundings when you first take your puppy home may result in your dog refusing to eat. The move from the kennel to your home can be very stressful, give him some time, and by no means attempt to force food on him. The changes are not only limited to his surroundings and the people around him, he will also make a note that there is no competition for the food in the bowl and that other dogs are not present in the litter. This too will pass after some time.

After the puppy has spent the night, take him for a walk, or try to play a few dog games with him in order to break the ice. Some exercise will be wonderful, since it will make the puppy hungry at increase the probability of eating at home. Plan of fixing a feeding schedule that includes three meals a day. The plan should follow determined hours of the, which you should be committed to following since the puppy will come to expect food at those pre determined times.

Remember to monitor his eating behavior, such as speed at which he eats, and how much food is left on the bowl after he is finished. If you notice that by the last feeding time at night, he stills seems eager to eat, don’t be afraid to toss him a snack. Furthermore, it is very important to take your dog to his potty place after every meal. The potty place could mean taking him outside, or the some newspapers spread around somewhere around your home.

Start off by adding some water to his food in order to make it easier on him. As the dog develops, his stomach will grow larger as well as his teeth, and he will easily be able to tolerate dry food on its own. Always keep water for him to drink at all times.

New Cat in the House

Introducing a new cat into your house can be a very stressful experience for the animals and the owners. We recently offered our finished basement to a friend of the family to stay in for a while. She asked if she could bring her cat and we told her that it would be fine.

We have a Burmese cat named Sid, he is one year old. Her cat is a Taby called Taby Cat. We had her bring his kitty box, some toys, food and things he would find familiar.

We then put Taby Cat in his new room with his familiar belongings and gave him a day to get used to his new area without any introductions.

The cats are both males although Taby is a bigger cat, hasn't been neutered or declawed in front and he has been outside.

Sid has been front declawed and neutered and has never been outside except on the deck with a leash on and under our close eye.

We decided to let them meet for the first time by letting Taby Cat come upstairs to meet Sid. They gave each other a stare down and Taby quickly took off to explore the house. Sid made noises I had never heard him make before and some really mean faces. They did not fight but it was clear it was not love at first site.

We decided to end their first meeting and to wait a day to try again. I believe I have read that this could take weeks or even months but I found that hard to accept.

The next day we let Taby Cat up again and Sid just followed him around and growled until Taby Cat took a swipe at little Sid. We ended that meeting pretty quickly but we did try the next day. The only thing Taby is interested in is getting outside. He paces from the back door to the front staring out the glass and windows.

They have not yet shown much interest in each other so I can now see how this is going to take awhile. We keep trying a little each day and they seem to be getting a little more tolerant of each other, but we have decided not to let Taby Cat outside yet. We let Taby come up everyday but little Sid is having a hard time accepting him. I quess only time will tell.

To Summarize,

1.Bring the new cats food,kitty box,toys,plus any favorite items.

2.Let the new cat get used to the new area so they feel secure.

3.They should both have a collar on and leash for the first meeting.

4.A broom works well for breaking them up or a water spray bottle.

5.Introduce them a little at a time.

6.The process can take days or weeks.

We are still introducing the cats daily and it's been a week, with a long ways to go. They tolerate each other for short periods but I wouldn't trust them alone yet.

What Causes Hair Loss in Dogs

Many people wonder why their dog loses its hair. Many people think it is because they are hot in the summer therefore they lose it, whereas others think that their pet is getting old and experiencing balding. This article will briefly describe why your pet sheds, and what the causes can be.
The technical term for hair loss is alopecia. Alopecia is
the more complex way of saying that your pet is experiencing hair loss. When they shed it can be in a thick form or just small amounts at a time. Some can even lose their hair because of a disease or an allergic reaction
to medication. Others may experience loss seasonally,
this process is called shedding.
First we will discuss shedding. This is described as a natural loss that dogs experience so that they can grow
a new coat. The rate they lose their hair is mostly dependent upon what breed they are. Long haired animals are more likely to experience shedding on a regular basis. Short haired animals also loose; however
it is much less noticeable. It can be a pain for owners of dogs because it causes hair to become matted into
the floor. Some groomers offer a special “dip” for your animal to take and this is supposed to reduce the amount of loss. The dip is not guaranteed to work and it is a very controversial subject because it is a natural thing that all pets go through.
Another way they can experience loss is though disease. They can contract many diseases in which they bald.
For example, if your pet is experiencing a hormonal disease, your dog will most likely experience balding. When diseases are caught ahead of time there is a good chance the this type of loss can be prevented, however most people do not take their pet to the veterinarian until they notice it which can be too late. At this point, it can either grow back or stay permanently gone depending on the accuracy of the medication.
The last type of balding in animals to be described is due to allergic reaction. Dogs, much like people, can have allergies. Some have allergies to things like pollen and dander, however this is not common. The most common allergy they experience is to medication. When they are injected with shots of medication they may get an allergic reaction. On occasion this allergic reaction can cause them to shed. Normally it is lost at the site of injection, but sometimes they can begin to lose their hair in patches. In most cases it will grow back; however sometimes the follicles are damaged in turn preventing it from growing back.
Hopefully this article explained all of the unanswered questions about how and why your pet may shed or bald. It is important to remember that it is not only experienced in humans, but any mammal with hair. It can be natural or unnatural. When this happens at an extreme it is important to take your pet to a veterinarian office as soon as possible.

How to calculate the True Volume of an Aquarium - How Big is Your Fish Tank

It's really pretty amazing to us how many hobbyists out there are unaware that most major aquarium manufacturers name their products by markets accepted

standard sizes, rather than by actual capacity. This practice is very much like your local lumber yard or hardware store calling a piece of wood that 1.5" thick

and 3.5 " wide, a 2-by-4. how do we really know the true capacity of our fish tanks then? How can we accurately figure this out? It's really very simple. Here we have the basic formula for determining the actual capacity of a square or rectangular aquarium:

Length*Width*Height /231

All measurements used should be in inches, and the result will be in U.S. gallons. To accurately measure the true capacity of an aquarium, it is crucial

that only inside measurements be taken.

We observe that the common 55 gallon fish tank measure approximately 47.5"

long, 12" wide and 19" high (again, all of these are inside dimensions).

When we input these numbers into our formula, we will find that the maximum

capacity of the fish tank is actually less than 47 gallons. after adding a couple of inches or so of gravel at the bottom, not filling the fish tank quite up to the top

rim and then tossing in couple of pounds of decorative rock could easily drop the water volume in that 55 gallon aquarium to less than 40 gallons.

So how do the aquarium manufacturers come up with their figures? Generally,

that will use the same formular that we use, but start with outside dimensions,

including the decorative frame. So by their standards, that same 55 gallon fish

tank measures approximately 48.25" * 12.75" * 21", for a total imaginary capacity of just under 56 gallons.

All major aquarium manufacturers appear to have been using these nominal size for decades, and we're sure each one would claim that their competitors

have forced them into continued use of these exaggerated figures.

just think about it, who would buy a 47 gallon fish tank

from brand ''A'' if they could get 55 gallon fish tank from bran ''B'' for same price, even if they were advertised as having exactly the same overall dimension? And for the most part, as far as marketing is concerned, it really

doesn't matter. Just as long as 55 gallon tank is bigger than a 45 gallon tank,

is bigger than a 40 gallon tank and so on.

Keep in mind though, there are some instances when it is extremely important

to know exactly how mush water is really in your fish tank. Two instances that

quickly come to mind: how many fish can I safely put in my new

aquarium, and how large of dosage should I use when medication needs to be

added? After all, treating 40 gallons of water as if it were 55 gallons of water,

then adding a little extra for good measure could harm or kill your prize fish.

This formula can also be successfully used if you should come across a custom

built aquarium and are unsure of it's capacity , or if you considering building a

fish tank yourself. Tank capacity and then overall full weight can be calculated
